On any given day riding the NY subway, one is always treated to a healthy dose of cultural anthropology. It remains one of the best opportunities to make simple observations about the diverse world...
View ArticleThree ‘Must Do’ Agenda Items for Modern Day Marketers
In the world of marketing, there is always a shiny new thing to chase. While many of these shiny new things will come and go, here are three of them that marketers should be paying attention to right...
View ArticleEvolution and the Modern Family
At the end of the day, producers of shows like Modern Family get it. The answer today is simple: evolve or die. The reality is not that the makeup of the American family unit is evolving, but instead...
Smart cities. Yes, it all started with “smart” phones and then there was “smart” water (how exactly?), and now “smart” wallets. Before long, everything will be smarter than you and me and us. But...
View ArticleExperience – The New Call to Action
Ms. Angelou hit the nail on the head with that simple but powerful quote. No matter who you are, no matter how old you are, where you live or what language you speak, at the end of the day, we are all...
Most agencies play the game like they are the Miami Heat. There is LeBron. There is D Wade. And there is a cast of 10 other active players, all of whom are charged with the task of getting the “W” for...
View ArticleDonald A. Coleman
A former NFL linebacker and lifelong entrepreneur, Donald A. Coleman is a visionary and pioneer in the advertising industry. An advocate of multicultural marketing, Coleman’s full service marketing...
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