In the world of marketing, there is always a shiny new thing to chase. While many of these shiny new things will come and go, here are three of them that marketers should be paying attention to right now because they are here to stay.
By now, we’ve all seen the 2010 Census and know that minority ethnic groups have been, and will continue, driving all of the population growth in this country. Marketers have to break the conventional wisdom of choosing to do or not do multicultural marketing and start thinking about how they market to a multicultural nation. Traditionally, humans have been known to have five senses: sight, taste, touch, hearing and smell. Mobile is fast enabling humans to develop a sixth sense, one that empowers us with on-the-go capabilities that run the gamut, from creating and exploring to connecting, sharing and buying. Because of that, marketers should find themselves doing a lot of mobile tinkering. And, finally, we used to say that conversation was king until we realized that content was the catalyst to ignite the conversation. Now, more than ever, marketers should focus on building content engines that can engage and fascinate consumers in the highly competitive content economy.
If any of these three opportunities are not on your agenda going forward, you may wake up and find yourself irrelevant.
-Detavio Samuels, President, GlobalHue-Detroit