At the end of the day, producers of shows like Modern Family get it. The answer today is simple: evolve or die.
The reality is not that the makeup of the American family unit is evolving, but instead that the makeup of the American family unit has already evolved. With only 4% of today’s families falling into the Census’ definition of “traditional,” marketers who choose not to evolve with the rest of the country will get left behind. Brands should adjust their current approach by reflecting the hopes, aspirations and realities of all the audiences they serve.
Brands can deal with the complexities brought on by the new modern family by leveraging universal truths that exist for all families. This can be accomplished by generating strategies and ideas that are relevant for all, and in turn reflecting the diversity of the American familial landscape in their mass media communications. Brands should then extend these platforms to “non-traditional” family types by utilizing targeted media, insights and nuances that speak directly to these often ignored populations. Finally, brands would be smart to recognize there is a business opportunity outside of just communications, as “non-traditional” family types may have unique, unmet needs the rest of the marketplace is failing to deliver on.
-Detavio Samuels, President, GlobalHue-Detroit